Welcome to my new website! It’s still a work in progress, but if you’re reading this, it must be up and running. If I could wake up tomorrow and have you visit my finished website, here is what you would find:
A place that celebrates the beauty of the fiddle and the art of fiddling.
Video lessons that correspond with the book.
Videos of regional tunes.
Information about current fiddlers as well as the ones who are no longer with us.
Recordings, resources, and other useful tidbits that I have studied.
Cool merchandise that is fiddle or old-time related.
A list of camps and festivals.
Fiddle related blogs and other important information for musical growth.
Thoughts about old-time music and why I think it is important.
I wanted a place where my past self would have wanted to visit often. Back in the early 2000’s, I started researching traditional music, specifically old-time music. I spent a great deal of my time reading everything I could and today I am grateful and appreciative to have had those resources, specifically David Lynch’s site. His now defunct website was called oldtimemusic.com. It was entertaining and informative and exposed me to people, places, and events that shaped my life. David is a graphic designer, writer, and Appalachian fiddler and has designed many popular old-time cd and book covers.
Grab your beverage of choice and spend a little time with me as we explore our love for this beautiful instrument.
Thank you for doing this — passing your blessings forward!
I am so excited for this!